Summer Term bits & pieces
Our summer term started with some wonderful Picasso inspired work. The Academic 13-15yr olds worked on the large Le Reve, above, top, middle, each student worked on an A1 section then the whole thing was joined together to form a massive image. The Academics started their stencil sessions based on the work of artist, Banksy.
We also heard the good news that two of our students entered into the Young Art exhibition at the Royal College Of Art and received Highly Commended awards! Well done to Ella Levy and Ava Toland!
Toddlers were happy making Licntenstein inspired sun pictures and our 9-12yrs Academics began building their surreal insects inspire by Louise Bourgeois' work. Our exhibtition recommendation this week is 'All Too Human' at the Tate Britain, a show of the human form and living in the city. Our fave was seeing the fantastic work of Cecily Brown, top right. Have a good week! Happy creating!!